Transport Exchange Group Apps

Courier Exchange 3.4
Gain more work and make more money by matching vehicle locationandavailability with loads advertised on the Courier Exchange. Whoisthe Courier Exchange mobile app for? *Courier companies andfreightforwarders - quickly locate and check the availability ofdriversthat use the Courier Exchange mobile app (either your owndriversor other Courier Exchange members). *Owner drivers andcouriercompanies - advertise your location and availability forautomaticload matching and so that other Courier Exchange memberscan findyou on our Live Availability Map and call you or yourcontrollerdirectly. *Advertise your location and availability* Youcan letthe Courier Exchange system know where you are and whetheryou areavailable for work (or not). Alerts with detail about loadsthatrequire collection in the location you are in now will be senttoyou or your controller. You have full control over theCourierExchange mobile app and can stop the tracking or change yourstatusof availability whenever you want. *Register your journeys*You canregister your journeys directly from the Courier Exchangemobileapp using our 1-Click journey registration. Loads areautomaticallymatched with your journey route and notifications aresent to youor your controller. *Manage your journeys* If your planschange,you can edit or even delete your journeys using theCourierExchange mobile app. This automatically updates theCourierExchange. *Receive real-time push alerts about relevantloads* Whena Courier Exchange member advertises a load on theExchange and youare in the right area with the right sized vehicle,you or yourcontroller will automatically receive a push alert or anemailalert. *Receive detailed bookings* Receive a booking directlytothe Courier Exchange mobile app with full detailsincluding;contact names, addresses, references, consignment detailsand anyspecial instructions. *Update the booking* Update thebooking onthe Courier Exchange Mobile app using our 2-tap statusupdatefeature. This sends a date and time stamp to the memberthatsub-contracted the job to you for the 4 main milestones ofadelivery; On Site - pickup, Loaded, On Site - delivery, POD.*PODincluding signature and image capture* Ask the recipient tosignfor the consignment on the mobile app. Capture images tosupportyour delivery. E.g. Gate closed. Both signature and imagesareautomatically attached to the delivery note in yourCourierExchange diary. *Instant Messenger* Stay in touch withyourcontroller and co-workers with the built-in Instant Messengerthatworks between mobile apps and desktops too! It works in asimilarway to most other messenger services that you may alreadyuse.*Who's Nearby?* See other Exchange members within 30 miles ofyourcurrent location - great for networking with other CourierExchangemembers. *Pro-Alerts* You can automatically send bookingupdates(mentioned above) as well as a periodic notifications (atthefrequency of your choice) with a location update (link toonlinemap) to any email address you like, including the endcustomer IFrequired. *In control* With the Courier Exchange mobileapp you arealways in control. Choose exactly the messages, updatesand alertsyou want to receive and who you want to be kept updatedabout yourstatus and location. The Courier Exchange mobile app isFREE todownload and install. The app has been designed to captureyourlocation every 2 minutes to preserve battery life as muchaspossible, but it is important to note that continued use ofGPSrunning in the background can decrease battery life.
Speedy Freight 1.3
Who is the Speedy Freight Driver mobile app for? *Courierdriversand sub-contractors - advertise your location andavailability onour Live Availability Map Who can obtain an account?* This app isaccessible to any courier in UK and Europe How can youobtain anaccount? * By registering as a courier with Speedy Freight- no anypaid content or services *Advertise your location andavailability*You can let the system know where you are and whetheryou areavailable for work (or not). You have full control over themobileapp and can stop the tracking or change your status ofavailabilitywhenever you want. *Register your journeys* You canregister yourjourneys directly from the mobile app using our1-Click journeyregistration. *Manage your journeys* Edit or deleteyour journeysusing the mobile app. *Receive detailed bookings*Receive a bookingdirectly to the mobile app with full detailsincluding; contactnames, addresses, references, consignment detailsand any specialinstructions. *Update the booking* Update thebooking on the Mobileapp using our 2-tap status update feature.This sends a date andtime stamp to the controller for the 4 mainmilestones of adelivery; On Site - pickup, Loaded, On Site -delivery, POD. *PODincluding signature and image capture* Ask therecipient to signfor the consignment on the mobile app for everydelivery stop.Capture images to support your delivery. E.g. Gateclosed. Bothsignature and images are automatically attached to thebooking*Instant Messenger* Stay in touch with your controllerandco-workers with the built-in Instant Messenger that worksbetweenmobile apps and desktops too! It works in a similar way tomostother messenger services that you may already use TheSpeedyFreight Driver mobile app is FREE to download and install,howeverit works directly with the Speedy Freight controllerplatform,which requires registration with Speedy Freight The apphas beendesigned to capture your location every 2 minutes topreservebattery life as much as possible, but it is important tonote thatcontinued use of GPS running in the background candecrease batterylife.
CX Fleet 3.1
*MANAGE LOADS* Spend less time on the phone to yourdrivers.Allocate loads with a tap of a button. See loads clearlydisplayedin the ‘Bookings’ section, the same way they do theCourierExchange desktop, *MY FLEET* Cut down your empty running byeasilymatching nearby loads to available drivers with ‘My Fleet’maps onyour smartphone. See all your vehicles and available loadson asingle screen, wherever you are, so your vehicles never runempty.*GET PAID FASTER* Spend less time doing admin withinstantinvoicing straight from the app. Easily create and sendinvoicesfor jobs either you or your drivers have completed.*LOOKPROFESSIONAL* Stand out from the competition. Quickly uploadimagesand documents and keep all your paperwork in one place withCXFleet.
FLS Carrier Portal 1.4
Who is the FLS Carrier Portal mobile app for? *Courierdrivers,hauliers and subcontractors - advertise your locationandavailability on our Live Availability Map Who can obtainanaccount? * This app is accessible to any courier, haulieroroperator in UK and Europe How can you obtain an account? *Byregistering as a courier with Freight Logistics SolutionsCarrierPortal - no paid content or services *Advertise yourlocation andavailability* You can let the system know where you areand whetheryou are available for work (or not). You have fullcontrol over themobile app and can stop the tracking or change yourstatus ofavailability whenever you want. *Register your journeys*You canregister your journeys directly from the mobile app usingour1-click journey registration. *Manage your journeys* Edit ordeleteyour journeys using the mobile app. *Receive detailedbookings*Receive a booking directly to the mobile app with fulldetailsincluding; contact names, addresses, references,consignmentdetails and any special instructions. *Update thebooking* Updatethe booking on the Mobile app using our 2-tap statusupdatefeature. This sends a date and time stamp to the controllerfor the4 main milestones of a delivery; On Site - pickup, Loaded,On Site- delivery, POD. *POD including signature and image capture*Askthe recipient to sign for the consignment on the mobile appforevery delivery stop. Capture images to support your delivery.E.g.Gate closed. Both signature and images are automaticallyattachedto the booking *Instant Messenger* Stay in touch withyourcontroller and co-workers with the built-in Instant Messengerthatworks between mobile apps and desktops too! It works in asimilarway to most other messenger services that you may alreadyuse TheFLS Carrier Portal mobile app is FREE to download andinstall,however it works directly with the FLS Carrier Portal,whichrequires registration with Freight Logistics Solutions. Theapp hasbeen designed to capture your location every 2minutes topreservebattery life as much as possible, but it is important tonote thatcontinued use of GPS running in the background candecrease batterylife.
Freight Vision 1.0
Transport Exchange Group brings you the Freight Vision MobileApp,an easy way to track all your freight on a single screenwhereveryou are. The exclusive members-only application puts allyour ‘InProgress’ work into one place allowing you to keep vehicleson theroad for longer, increasing profits. Freight Vision isdesigned tomake work easy, especially for members at managementlevel. Theeasy-to-use platform gives you all the information youneedincluding Live ETA, Live Availability Map and a summary of allyourtracked vehicles. *Orders in Progress* Offers a view ofalldeliveries in progress, including total amount being deliveredplusthe number of deliveries on time, at risk of delay, and late.Theapplication will also show where shipments are not beingtracked.*Order Details* Allows the user to see a driver’sspecificassignment including total miles, completed miles, miles togo,estimated trip time, pick up time, deliver by time,originalestimated time of arrival (ETA) and current ETA. *ViewRoute &Current Location* Displays a driver’s current locationwithin theoverall route in map format. Users can also choose astreet-levelview of the driver’s exact location. *Live AvailabilityMap (LAM)*The LAM is available via mobile phone for the first timeever.Search for your drivers and sub-contractors near your pickupandnever turn down work again by easily locating additionaldrivers.*Instant communication* Communicate directly with yourcustomer,controller, or carrier. Use the instant messenger or builtin phoneto keep everyone updated. How will Freight Vision makeadifference? Be efficient like never before and keep track ofyourfreight wherever you are.